Strange Sightings:
Have you ever come across something so odd, it made you stop and wonder? Ever been so confused by something you saw that you just had to investigate it further?
Well, that was me last night. I was the chauffeur for last night's Bible Study Car Pool. After dropping off a dear lady at her door I noticed the oddest, strangest thing I had ever seen (in a long time, anyway). A ziplock bag half filled with water with a single penny resting in the bottom tacked to her kitchen door frame.
Hmmm...Not wanting to embarass anyone, most of all myself, I walked back to my car and asked Vicious if she had ever seen or heard of such. Well, to my surprise, she knew right away what it was all about.
She proceeded to tell me that the bag of water was to keep house flies away. What? At first I thought she was pulling my leg, but she looked it up on her phone and sure enough, she was right She read to me the reasons and scientific knowledge behind this strange house fly repellent.
Are you wanting to know how it works, yet? Does it really work? I am not exactly sure, but as soon as I arrived home, I put a ziplock bag of water with a penny on my door. There is nothing peskier than a house fly (except maybe half a dozen of them).
- The common house fly has a morbid fear of drowning and is somewhat claustrophobic so goes out of its way to avoid enclosed bodies of water.
- Its the reflection of the penny that keeps them away, it appears to be a predator.
- One theory about why this method works is that flies are skittish by nature, and that a fly's compound eyes, containing thousands of facets, are exquisitely sensitive to motion and light. The bag of water acts as a great lens, refracting light and magnifying images that it then projects in several directions. This confuses the fly into believing that there is an imminent threat. (
- The common house fly has compound eyes, which contain up to 8,000 lenses each. These eyes are designed to detect movement, which is why flies are difficult to catch. Proponents of this remedy suggest that water in the clear bag reflects light in every direction. Flies are disturbed by the refracted light coming from the freezer bag and may also mistake it for a nest of hornets or wasps and leave the area.
So, investigate this for yourself. Everything that I have read so far about it leads to the positive testimonies of more that 30 people. I am game to try it for myself...are you?
Enjoy Your Day!
Mama D