Proverbs 31:27

"She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness." Proverbs 31:27

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I claim this, MY weekend! =)

Hi Everyone!

I am so excited! This is my first FREE weekend! No outside responsibilities! Of course, the usual home chores are piling up, but I chose to take a break and do something for me for a change! HA!

I was deliriously happy last night that such a very long and trying week was over and I could do whatever I wanted. I am sure the kids were wondering what was up with me and probably wondering what I was putting in my coffee! :)

To start my weekend off right, I snatched Vicious away from home to go rent a movie she has been "fit-to-be-tied" to see. While out and about we stopped in at the only Piggly Wiggly we have here to get a sales paper and their coupon policy. Wow was I surprised to see how pricey their products were. But I was not too disappointed. I am sure one of these days I will walk out with some deals and steals;) I am learning to bide my time.

The kiddos requested Pizzones for dinner, so our next stop was at the PizzaHut. I quickly placed my order and was told that it would be ready in 20 minutes. So instead of sitting there staring at perfect strangers, I thought it would be a good idea for Vicious and I to check out the Rite Aid down the street.

Only planning to look around, we walked in, snatched up the sales paper and the rebate paper. We canvassed the store. Looking,"oooh-ing" and "ahhhh-ing" at anything that glittered or danced to a little tune. (i.e. dancing ginger bread man that I believe I absolutely must have for my collection:)) As I walked through the store, I scanned the sales paper for anything that might be good practice. (My sis, Mrs. L, suggested starting small, so I looked for something easy.)

Toothpaste! On the front of the sales paper they have listed Colgate Total Care toothpaste, marked down from $4.19 to $3.50 and when you purchase it the store gives you back $3.50 in +UP rewards (meaning the store paid me what I paid for the toothpaste! HA! Do they know what they are doing??? What a steal!) So with the $3.50 in +UP rewards (remember store $) I turned around and purchased a gallon of milk ($3.59) for 9 cents!!! You can't beat that! WOW! I think I need more toothpaste and milk!

So our first Rite Aid Experiment was a success! I was floating, my mind spinning. It was such a high to save money for a change! Yay!

Today, I am taking my time. I have made pancakes. Savored my Peppermint Mocha Coffee. I even tried out a new recipe. Homemade Doughnuts! From Scratch. I imagined I was the inventor of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts=) I will have to share in my next blog how the doughnuts turned out, but in the words of my fam, YUM!

Check out your Rite Aid Sales Paper, enjoy some "YOU"time, and have a terrific Weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you! I miss RiteAid terribly! Although I love CVS, RiteAid was definitely my favorite. I had some of my biggest moneymakers there!
    I also had a Free weekend! And the hubs was home too! And my house was clean! All three happening at the same time is crazy-mad!
    Love ya!
