Proverbs 31:27

"She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness." Proverbs 31:27

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tackling Tuesday

Good Morning All!

Yes, I know today's title is Tackling Tuesday on a Wednesday. Well that is how it is sometimes...a day late and a dollar short (as the saying goes). Really, I was trying to give my Vicious a chance to post. But I cannot wait any long to share this with you!

It was a rough Tuesday, but there was a bright spot at the end of the day. I will not bore you with the difficult details of school yesterday, just imagine, it's the end of the quarter and everyone is under pressure to get finished before report cards. The bright spot came, when I actually got to get out of the house. Vicious and I grabbed our battle plan (shopping/sale list), coupons, money, Thinking Caps (ridiculously silly hats), and keys and headed out of the door. The destination: Winn Dixie.

Let me be clear, this is not my favorite store, although I enjoy the deals & steals. Why don't I like it, you might ask. Well, I am slightly OCD (or CDO for my friends with the same challenge) :) The store isn't set up the way my mind works. And all the Winn Dixies here are the same. So, what would have only taken 20 minutes in a more organized store took us an hour. Maybe your Winn Dixie is like mine: frozen stuff in the middle, pasta stuff with the toiletries, pet food next to the cereal. I don't get how or why it is set up that way, but you would think that it would be set up logically. Nope. Guess they hope we will buy more or see more to buy if we wander around lost. :/

Anyway! On to the good news. (Pause a second to take a look at the picture above! All that was free!) Winn Dixie usually has Buy One Get One FREE deals (B1G1 or BOGO). This is what I love about Winn Dixie. Tuesday was the last day to get the wonderful deal & steals on their BOGO meat products. Chicken, pork chops, ribs, steaks! Oh Yes!!! That's what I am talking about. I usually only buy ground turkey, hot dogs, or chicken when it is at its lowest price. So our menu has become quite boring. Until I saw the BOGO meat list for Winn Dixie! Steaks at $9 lb I would quickly pass up, but when they are BOGO it is like get steaks at half price. Needless to say, we stocked up.

Winn Dixie also has two other great buy deals: Meal Deal & What-a-Deal. Last Week's Meal Deal was Buy two Large Red Baron Pizzas, and you would get ice cream, 2 liter 7up, Totino's Pizza rolls, & Tyson Chicken Fingers for FREE! The What-a-Deal special was: buy two 25 oz Pantene shampoos or conditioners and you would get cotton balls, Ivory soap, Secret deodarant, and Crest toothpaste for free.

There were other items (not on our list but I knew we needed) that we found BOGO while wandering around lost. We got funny looks from some nosey shoppers when we rolled our cart passed them filled with feminine hygiene products. Guess they don't have a lot of girls at their house. :)

Although, I spent more than I intended, I still felt excited about our savings! $68+ FREE! A savings total of 42%! We are nowhere near being extreme couponers, but we are loving learning how it works and sharing it with others! If you are curious how you can be a Shopping Ninja and do this too, try or (below are the receipts from our first two shopping savvy trips.)
Get out your silliest hat and go to town!
Mama D


  1. Way to go, Chickadee! Hey, on the Meal deal and the What a deal, you know that if you have coupons for the free items, you can use them, right? So, even thought you get the ice cream for free, if you had a blue bell coupon, you could have used it to make your total even lower. Didn't know if you knew that! :) I am so proud of you !:)

  2. Yes, I saw that I could have used the coupons but I didn't have those particular ones. Will be looking out for them for next time though! :)
